Almost – Anne Eliot *REVIEW*


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The last few chapters of this novel left me stunned. The increase in momentum throughout the entire novel all seemed to be building to a very explosive climax that did all of the characters justice.
I was definitely left satisfied.



3.65 stars – I really enjoyed it


At a party she doesn’t even remember, Jess Jordan was almost raped.
That’s the word that seems follow her everywhere- almost.

In order to go to college, Jess must prove to her parents that she is normal- completely fine- and she is… well almost anyway. Her solution is to follower her younger sister’s list on HOW TO BE NORMAL.
Number 1) Make at least two friends your own age
Number 2) go places besides your room
Number 3) Get boyfriend
Number 4) Make sure Mum and Dad n0tice numbers one through three

So Jess lands a summer internship and strikes a peculiar deal with school top-guy, Gray Porter: He gets $8,000 and she gets a fake boyfriend and a social life to please her parents.
Jess had no idea Gray signed on for reasons other than money for his own college expenses but then again, she also had no idea that she could possibly fall in love.


My rating for this novel is fairly harsh is some ways, yet lax in others- I almost gave it two ratings; one for the first half of the novel and another for the second half.
I have to admit that the last twenty or so chapters of the book had me completely riveted and so I was sorely tempted to give book something closer to fourish stars, just for the brilliance of the last section of the plot.But of course, I had to rate the novel as an entirety and not in sections, which is something to keep in mind when reading this review.
The beginning of the story I felt was incredibly enjoyable and left the reader with a sense of mystery and anticipation, BUT around the middle of the story, I started to feel excluded from the plot, I wasn’t sure what was happening which left me slightly confused and frustrated at times- I needed to know what was going on! Personally, I think the aspect of mystery surrounding Jess’ party incident was carried on just a few pages too long.  With that said though, I absolutely loved the last twenty or so chapters- I mean adored them. I felt as if my emotions were being tugged from left to right then back again and I loved every second of it. It was like an emotional work out.
Surprisingly, I found that of the two point of views I enjoyed Gray’s thoughts, opinions and insight more than Jess’. I believe that Gray’s chapters were written  much clearer and flowed simply which provided a nice reprieve from Jess’ scrambled and jumbled mind! Whether it was intentional or not, the use of the dual point of views were a brilliant way to build characterisation and help thicken the plot- I felt as if I knew the characters and understood the motives behind their actions which, might I say, is so deliciously frustrating at times- I wanted to scream at the characters to just listen to each other!
Personally, I prefer novels to be written in first person and love when dual point of views are used effectively so Almost definitely ticked those boxes for me. The dual point of views allowed for a well rounded insight into the story, yet remained personal and particular to the character of which the chapter belonged to. I feel this was helped by a first person narrator.

Overall, I really enjoyed this novel. I feel that the slow  build of the first half of the book allowed momentum to build and anticipation levels to rise- something I didn’t acknowledge at first.
Unfortunately, I have a feeling that this novel is one that I will only read once, for no other reason besides the fact I already know the major plot reveal! I kind of wish I could time travel and read it again for the first time just so I could appreciate the build in momentum more than I did this time around!

If you’re looking for a sweet, hilarious high-school romance with characters who deal with issues that run deeper then the average teenage life, Almost by Anne Eliot is the book for you. Especially if you enjoy a male romantic interest who definitely proves that boys are- in fact- better in books!

‘Til the next ramble,



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