Unmaking Hunter Kennedy- Anne Eliot *REVIEW*

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Unmaking Hunter Kennedy by Anne Eliot was such a great novel. I enjoyed this book so much, it actually shocked me. 


4 stars – I really liked it, it was great!


After a prank gone bad, teenage heartthrob and pop star Hunter Kennedy is forced to hide out with his small town aunt. Vere Roth, a small town girl herself,is given the task of ‘unmaking’ the utterly recognisable star and a friendship-maybe even more- soon builds.
This novel holds the story of a sickly sweet, high school romance with a touch of humour that will melt the hearts of any ‘first love’ skeptics.


Let me just start by saying, this book really surprised me. Something about this book captured me and reeled me in, I just couldn’t seem to put it down! So after reading this book in a mere two hours, I must say I was kind of wishing my own Hunter Kennedy would turn up at my door and sweep me off of my feet.
Typically I enjoy narratives written in first person the most, it’s true, but I was able to overlook the fact that this story was written in third person just because of how cute it was and after a while I forgot about the narrative voice and got lost in the story of the characters.
I have to admit, before Unmaking Hunter Kennedy, I had read little to no romances quite like this- with an unrealistic male romantic interest- so I was a bit unsure of the book to start with thinking it would be boring or too cheesy. I am so glad that I was wrong. So very glad.This novel definitely wasn’t a deep or challenging read at all, more of a  fun, light and incredibly sweet novel- the perfect read when you have some time to kill.

‘Til the next ramble,



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Anne Eliot:

Blog – http://www.anneeliot.com/

Twitter – @yaromance

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/anneeliotauthor

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